Farm Share & ASPCA
Due to rising cost of living, many hard working families in South Florida have had to choose between feeding themselves or feeding their pets. Farm Share has partnered with the ASPCA to make sure we do what we can to keep pets safe and healthy at home with their families where they belong. But, we need YOUR help...
This partnership began years ago when in the mids of the COVID-19 pandemic, the team at Farm Share began to collect stories from families during the pandemic telling us how they did did not have enough money to care for their pets. The ASPCA was aware of the urgent needs of pet owners. Both organizations got together to address this issue as both organizations believe that pets are part of our families and must be taken take of.
Why is Farm Share getting involved in pet food?
Great question! We have typically dealt in food for people in need only. However, Farm Share prioritizes ensuring that families experiencing food insecurity are able to continue providing for their pets. The presence of a pet affects mental health issues and the overall quality of life of a pet family. Help us make sure that those pet families who are food insecure, have a fighting chance to keep their pets safe and health at home where they belong. Pets are a part of our families and Farm Share and the ASPCA serve families.
Our work with the ASPCA
Farm Share, as Florida’s largest independent food bank, will continue to be a leader in feeding hungry families, children, seniors and individuals in need in 2023. Knowing how much pets influence the mental health and overall quality of life of the families we serve, we have decided to ask for your help in order to move our program forward! The ASPCA has been an amazing partner of ours and they have just donated $200,000 towards our work in Liberty City and and extra $40,000 for pet food assistance in any county affected by Hurricane Ian. Farm Share is looking to raise an additional $100,000 this year in honor of the ASPCA grant to provide even more pet food to Miami families and their pets.
If you are fortunate enough to have something to donate, know that your donation will go toward impacting the life of a family in need and their pets. Ultimately, your donation will help that person's quality of life and their well-being with their pets. Sometimes pets are the only companions some people have and at times a family is not complete without their pet.
Farm Share needs the help of those individuals who have been fortunate enough to have extra money to give and to help those hard working Floridians who are struggling. This is your opportunity to make a difference and help pet families stay together. Donate today!